Thursday, August 6, 2015

Oliver Leith Stagg- July 25th, 2015

Oliver Leith Stagg made his way into the world at 12:45pm, on July 25th... but, it wasn't without a little assistance (the Stagg stubbornness is REAL folks).

(times in this post are clearly just an estimate- I wasn't staring at the clock the entire time haha)

From the beginning of my pregnancy, we thought my due date was July 24th, in fact, after our first appt. our doctor said that our estimated due date was right on, so we had my brother and sister planning on flying out here from Georgia on the 21st (since my sister was going to be in the room with us). About 3 weeks before my due date, I was given some paperwork from my doctors office that stated my EDD was actually July 21st... not too different, but a little scary considering the flights were already booked, and Landon had 2 tests scheduled for school, one this day (the 21st) and one the 22nd.

My entire third trimester I hardly felt any Braxton Hicks Contractions, and at every appointment I had no progress.. No cervix thinning, no dilating.. I was at a stand still. Every. Single. Appointment. It was extremely frustrating to say the least. Never have I ever wanted to be in pain so bad in life! July 21st came and went, and I was able to pick up my siblings from the airport, and on July 22nd- I had my 40 week appointment. My sister was able to come to this appointment with me (back story- my sister works in the NICU in Georgia, so she knows all about the baby business). After my doctor checked me, and confirmed there was NO progression- still, my sister assisted me in prompting asking about me getting induced (normally, I didn't want to be induced, but there were some special circumstances that made me want to have this baby that weekend). After talking to my doctor and weighing the pros and cons of being induced- we finally decided we would go through with it.

This is where is gets a little gross... haha

On Thursday the 23rd, I had to go in for a Non- Stress Test, which went fine. Then on Friday the 24th, I had to go back in to get a balloon inserted in my cervix (a water ballon is in a catheter, and they inserted it in my cervix, then filled it to reach 4cm- the goal is to have the balloon fall out- meaning I was dilated). Its was super uncomfortable, and I couldn't lay down all afternoon. I had my dad, younger siblings, and two older siblings all hanging out with me all afternoon/evening, since Landon was at the library studying since he knew wouldn't be able to study that weekend at all (joys of summer classes). Around 6:00pm- I started feeling some serious contractions. They were super strong (balloon was still in- btw) and very consistent.. they were about 4 minutes apart and lasted for (on average) 42 seconds... I had to constantly move around the house, I couldn't stay in one place for too long. Landon got home at 8:30pm, and I was still feeling them strong. We passed time by watching Billy Madison, and getting everything in the car (last minute items, like pillows, blankets , etc.). at 10:30pm it was time to head to the hospital.  I honestly don't remember what Landon and  my sister were talking about on the way over, I was just focused on my breathing.

Once we got up to Labor & Delivery, Landon picked up the phone to get access and said, "We're here to have a baby!", that made it even more real. We got to our room, and Landon & Alyse made their beds while I got hooked up to IVs, and the heart monitors. I was in pain, but not enough to want an epidural (after all- I was still hardly dilated), so the nurse gave me dilotted, which took the pain away,  and was able to help me sleep. At 12:30am- I felt wetness, but it wasn't a ton, so my nurse didn't think much of it. At 5:30am, I felt the balloon needed to come out, so my nurse came in, and was able to take it out, she measured me and at that point, I was dilated to a 5, and they confirmed that they believe my water had slightly broke at 12:30!! I was so excited! At about 8am I was a 6, they had to further assist in fully breaking my water, and I decided to get my epidural. The epidural didn't hurt too bad, but, at this point, I started to get nervous, and tears were shed. Once the epidural kicked in, I felt more comfortable. At about 11:30am, Landons mom & sister showed up. My sister and them went to the cafeteria to get something to eat. About 10 minutes after that I started to feel more pain, so my nurse called the anesthesiologist back to my room to up the dosage, and she measured me, and I was at a 8(!!!!). Landon texted my sister and she rushed up (with her untouched salad). By the time she got there I was a 9, and they were setting up. There were a few people (dad and little sister) who stopped by in between checks, and as soon as my sister got there, I was still in pain, and had a moment where I told (yelled) that everyone needed to go... I felt bad, but knew he was coming quick. A few minutes after I yelled at everyone, I knew I needed to push... clearly I was a 10. I needed to push, and my doctor wasn't there yet, and stirrups weren't even set up. They rushed and got it all situated- and within minutes I had Landon on one side with a leg, and my sister on the other side. After about 20 minutes of pushing, our little guy was here. Oliver Leith Stagg, 19inches, 7lbs 3oz- and straight from heaven.

I am still in awe that Heavenly Father blessed and has entrusted us with this perfect soul. I am so grateful that we get him for Time & All Eternity.

 Balloon Appt.

 Getting checked in

My sister had these shirts made for her and Landon
-Auntie Lysie & Oliver's Dad-

Team O

Last pic of just us 2

Sweet Baby Boy

Our Sweet Daddy 

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