Monday, August 24, 2015

Oliver is 1 Month!

I know this is so cliche sounding, but time seriously does fly when you have a baby. He is already 1 month old. Also, we made it 1 month of being super sleep deprived, and more happy than ever. There are so many things that I find "sacred", since becoming a mom. His snuggles, our nursing time, his little fingers, toes, ears, every little thing I want to keep selfishly to myself.

The past month has been easy, and hard, and that may not make sense. Before I got pregnant, when we were trying, I remember saying that I could not wait for late night feedings & diaper changes- and that feeling still hasn't gone away. Its crazy to think that I LOVE our little middle of the night shenanigans. There is something so amazing about the world being asleep, except for us. Just us. He is my best little friend, and I wouldn't trade our time for anything in the world. However, there have been a few (and literally, a few- I can count them on one hand), where I am so exhausted- where I feel like I can't function, and that is when my superhero husband comes in and saves the day. This last week he didn't have school at all, so it was just us three all week, and he helped me SO much. He knew when I was to my "point" and would take Oliver for a few hours in the morning, or afternoon to let me get a few extra hours of sleep, and for that I am BEYOND grateful.

For Oliver & I, nursing has not been an issue. I have been blessed with a baby that loves to eat, and a body that loves to feed him. He is gaining weight, and growing like a weed.

He loves to sleep on his tummy- which is great for him (he sleeps forever), but bad for us because, I am terrified of him turning his head and suffocating himself.. so we do naps only on his tummy for now.

He is SO strong, like crazy strong. He lifts his head up and looks right at us.. his little neck is amazing.

When he gets gassy, he loves to lay on his tummy, and use his legs to kick off of Landon or myself, to work it out. Again, SO strong. I seriously feel like crawling is going to be a breeze for him.

We call him Bubba & he loves it.

He recognizes us, and when he hears one of our voices, he searches the room for us.

He LOVES, and I mean loves his daddy. Its probably the cutest most amazing thing I have ever experienced. (but have no fear, his mama is right up there haha)

My love for my amazing husband has grown in ways that I never imagined. Seeing him become a daddy has been the most indescribable feeling. I love the way he loves his son, and the bond that these two already share is something I will forever treasure. I can't help but tear up on the daily when I think about how Heavenly Father has blessed me.

And now, some 1 month pics for your viewing pleasure:


  1. So cute! I'm grateful it has been such a good transition for you, that's a huge blessing.
    For his tummy sleeping (Eli was a tummy sleeper as well) we found the angelcare monitor to be a huge stress-free lifesaver for us. It's slides under his mattress & detects his breathing. If baby stops breathing for a certain amount of seconds it sounds an alarm. Might be worth it for the stress, Josh was working in pediatrics when we found out Eli was a tummy sleeper. The angelcare monitor was soooo helpful.

    1. How am I just seeing this?! That is awesome!! I will need to look into that! He LOVES his tummy, and seems so much more comfortable. he is super good at moving his head back and forth throughout his naps- but I just get paranoid! lol

      LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing pics of your sweet boys, & still in awe at your super woman delivery of baby Leo! You rock lady!!
