Monday, September 21, 2015

Baby O- 2 Months

WHAT?! How is my sweet boy 2 months already? I seriously don't know how it goes by so quickly. It makes me so sad, but so happy! Being this babes mom the past 2 months has taught me so much. Its amazing how you think you know everything about love, but then walks in this little 7lb child, and you're like.. what? Where is this love coming from?? Or how you think, "I don't know ANYTHING about being a mom, or taking care of another human... how in the world am I going to do this?" and then, you just know. Its an insane, confusing, yet amazing time. And all my friends that are going to be mamas in the upcoming months, I am SO excited for you to experience this change in your life.

This past month seemed to bring lots of new things for us. Like:
- He smiles like CRAZY.. all the time. Especially in the morning. He smiles at me, he smiles at his dad, he smiles at the dogs, he smiles at the fan.. Always. Smiling. Not complaining by any means, were obsessed.
- Along with smiling comes his constant laughter. This kid thinks were pretty funny. And, I would agree with him.
- He found his hands. He has always been a "sucker".. loving sucking on his pacifier since day one, so when he found his hands... we couldn't and can't stop him. He sucks them all the time. I used to think it was a hunger sign, then I learned it wasn't, and he just likes to have his fingers in his mouth, and thats okay (as long as he doesn't discover his thumb... I don't know if I could deal with a thumb sucker haha)
- Cooing and "talking" to us. He is responding with his own noises, and loves to hear himself talk.. its pretty adorable.
- Tummy time... well he has always loved being on his tummy... but he still loves it.
- Playing with his rattle on his play mat. He has been hitting it, and laughing when he hits it... I DIE

Nursing is still going great for us, I go back to work in a week and a half, and I am sad about it, so I will be pumping at work, while Landon gets to hang out with Bubba during the day (then we will tag team when he goest to school). I am going to miss our days together, but I know his daddy and him will enjoy their time together.

We had his 2 month appt. today, he has a clogged tear duct (which is more common than not), and a skin thing that is essentially clogged oil ducts (sort of looks like a mild case of baby acne, with some dry skin- equally as common as baby acne), both of these things will go away with time. He got his 2 month shots, which just about killed me. He screamed, then stopped as soon as we picked him up, I was able to nurse him before we went home, then once we got home, he was super uncomfortable, so we gave him some tylenol, and he napped most of the day. After a solid 2 hour nap, he was back to laughing and smiling, so I will take it as a win.

I know that I have only been a mom for 2 months, but I can't express the amazing feelings that come along with it. I look at this child and see the best of Landon and I, and my heart hurts because he is getting so big, so fast, but then at the same time my heart hurts because HE IS GETTING BIGGER!! haha and it makes me so happy to see him grow, and to see his little personality get bigger and bigger each day. I find myself in constant awe at this creation. Heavenly Father has blessed us so immensely with Oliver, and we couldn't say "Thank You" enough to Him for this gift. Each day as he grows up, and as he is healthy, I find myself saying a million prayers to Him for all that he has entrusted us with. We are absolutely in love, and smitten over this little person. 

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