Thursday, December 3, 2015

Gallbladder Surgery

Note to all my mama friends that read this: IF YOU GET PAIN IN YOUR RIGHT SIDE- GO TO THE ER!

Now that that is out of the way, let me tell you a fun story. So, when I was 36 weeks pregnant, I got this pain in my right side. It KILLED. We went to Labor and Delivery- they hooked me up on meds, and sent me home (this happened twice within the same day). Fast forward to Sunday, November 8th. We woke up, went to church, and I noticed I had some tension in my abdomen, but I didn't think to much of it. Came home, ate chili dogs for lunch, then a few hours later, I was in pain. It happened within a few minutes. One minute I'm joking with Landon, the next I was on the floor crying. I took some tums, thinking it was indigestion, or something, then we went to Landons dads. The pain wasn't going away. This lasted all night. I texted my boss at 4am to let him know I would be late because I was up all night with indigestion. I woke up to a text from a friend who experienced this 4 months after giving birth to her daughter. She said it was gallbladder issues and to go to the doctor. I was going to try and go to work, then worst case, I would go to urgent care that night. Well, I got halfway to work, called my boss in tears, turned around and went to urgent care, where they did blood tests, and gave me an ultra sound, and confirmed that I in fact had gallstones. They prescribed me pain meds, gave me a general surgeons phone number and said "its up to you to make the appointment if the the pain consists".

Well Tuesday, I woke up with YELLOW eyes. I had called the surgeon the day before and was waiting for a call back, and I wasn't in too much pain, so I got ready and went to work. After an hour of me being there, the urgent care doctor called and told me that my liver function was abnormal. I told him about the yellow eyes, and he told me to go to the ER asap. So, I obliged. My liver function was at a 650- when normal range is 25... they admitted me, and got me hooked up to pain meds.

My amazing sister in law dropped everything to pick Oliver up from Landon, so that he could be with me at the hospital/go to school. Once Landon was done with school he brought Oliver to see me. Being away from my baby was THE WORST. The people at the hospital almost wouldn't let him up because of flu season, but like... he is my child, so I threw a stink and they let him visit (some nurses still weren't pleased- but he wasn't walking around...). Any way. After being there for a full day, they did the first surgery to remove my gallstone, then day 3 the did my gallbladder removal. All while they are doing this, Landon is being a rockstar and taking care of Oliver 24/7. He's the man. Its always easier when I can nurse him at night- its his comfort- so Landon got to experience some of those late night feedings :)

After day 4, I was FINALLY released- with a low milk supply. They let me pump in the hospital, but when you're on meds- its hard to pump every 2-3 hours... so my supply tanked, and Landon had to use all of my reserve, and we had to resort to supplementing with formula. Which hasn't been as bad as I expected.

I have finally regained my supply, and am building up my storage, so we can get back on mamas milk all the time haha.

I am also now not in anymore pain. This was SO rough. but I had amazing support, and got so many flowers from family in Utah, Landons dad, and my co-workers. It was rough- but we made it!

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