Sunday, April 19, 2015

Oliver's Nursery- Part 1- Crib

If you are friends with me on IG or Facebook, you probably saw that 1. We finished the nursery, and 2. We have an official name for Baby Stagg. We were going to wait until he was born to announce it, but, then with the decorating the nursery- and me being WAY to excited about that, we announced his name.

Oliver Leith Stagg. 

SO, I'm going to do my best to post the steps of our nursery coming together, mainly because, Landon and myself (but mainly Landon) put a lot of time and effort into putting the nursery together (and because it's pretty unique to us). 

We knew we wanted our nursery to be different. I didn't want a nursery out of a box (as I call it) from babies r us, or target. We wanted something that no one else would have. Landon's favorite band is a band called The Early November. They are very antiquey, and well, kind of hard to explain (they always have antique items at their concerts as part of their stage set up). Landon has been following them since he was in High School (look em up if you want to hear the amazing-ness that is their music- or get an idea of what I'm trying to explain). Anyway, the first item we purchased was a crib. I was basically set on a crib from Ikea, because I wanted an antique crib but every where we looked they were RIDICULOUS. Well, one Saturday we went to Swag Antiques in Downtown Las Vegas and got an AMAZING deal on this bad boy: 

Before/ After 

What Landon used to refinish it


After some paint :) 

There were quite a few things that we needed to do to make this crib up to code (the drop down in the front is not okay, and the bars are a little wider), so Landon did the research & measurements and was able to order the correct parts to fix the drop bar, and we also bought a breathable baby bumper, new sheets and viola!

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