Thursday, August 14, 2014

August 8th, 2014

August 8th 2014, Landon and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary!!!! 5 years!! They have been the greatest 5 years of my life. I am so beyond grateful for this mans love. He is the most amazing human being, and I am so grateful that I get to be with him for time and all eternity. Landon is so selfless. He is the most selfless person I have ever met. He is always making sure that everyone is happy and taken care of before he even thinks of himself. He is such a hardworker. For the past year he has been working 9-5 and going to school either WAY early before work or after work, and getting home late. He is working so hard to provide for our future family, and never has he once said a single negative peep about being tired, or how busy he is. He loves me so, so much, as I do him. He is my best friend, and he is the only one who can make me laugh until tears stream down my face. We have had our fair share of ups and downs, but there is no one I would rather go through them with. Our future babes are so blessed to have a hardworking man for their daddy. 

Thank you Landon, for making the last 5 years the greatest years of my life. I cannot fully express to you how much you truly mean to me. 5 years downs, an eternity to go.

(Throwback to our 1st anniversary) 

For our 5 year anniversary, we exchanged gifts in the morning before work (I couldn't wait). I have been planning Landon's 5 year anniversary gift since we got married. Since the "traditional" gift for the 5th year is wood, I got Landon and new wedding ring. The outside is titanium and the inside is white cedar. I also got a wooden ring box to put it in. 

For my gift Landon got me a new Rubeda metal infinity ring from Tiffany's (tangent- since I was like 5, I always wanted a ring from Tiffany's. When we were in Salt Lake last December, Landon got me a sterling silver ring from Tiffany's, but it turned my finger green.. I was so sad, but I mean it was whatever... So that's why the Tiffany's thing is relevant.-end tangent) 
Needless to say I was ecstatic. 

We both worked on the 8th, but had dinner reservations at our favorite sushi restaraunt, Blue Ribbon. Where we devoured the most amazing sushi. 

Overall, it was the most amazing 5 year anniversary, and I couldn't be more excited for the rest of forever. 

If you made it this far, give yourself a cookie :) 

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