Monday, April 28, 2014


Just like every year for Easter, we woke up early and drove to St. George to spend some time with Landon's family. BUT, the night before we got to have a slumber party with our favorite Cashew. 

You see, my sister in law threw a surprise party for her boyfriend the night before, and Cash was supposed to spend the night at his Papa's house.. But the kid was spittin some good game, and he had so many good points to why he should spend the night with us (he would help us get ready quicker in the morning, he would make sure we woke up on time, he wanted to "make more memories", the list goes on). So all parties agreed he would come spend the night with us

That night we stayed up and watch a million episodes of Power Rangers. Once Landon and Cash fell asleep, they were both in snorsville, so I wrote Landon a note and slept in the guest room. About half way through the night Landon joined me because Cash woke him up! Haha this kid snores like crazy.

So, anyway, we woke up, got ready and made ge trek to St. G. We went and picked up our other amazing niece and nephew, Livia and Zander and played with them at Gran and Grandads. Then after Gran and Grandads, we took them back to Grandma and Grandpa Jackson's house, where we were able to catch up with Landon's moms side of the fam. 

I am so grateful for Easter, and the meaning behind this amazing holiday. Now, I know everyone and their mothers have seen the video released by the church (#becauseofhim) and, I just want to say, that because of him I am able to have an eternal family, and I get to spend the rest of forever with my amazing husband. I love the church, the gospel , and our Savior more than I could ever explain, I am so blessed to know the truths that I know.

I hope you all were able to reflect on your blessings this Easter. 

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