Saturday, August 10, 2013

Where has the time gone?

This past Thursday was our 4 year anniversary! WHAT THE CRAZYNESS?! I cannot believe it has been 4 years since Landon and I were at the Mount Timpanogos Temple getting sealed for time and all eternity. 
This was EASILY the best day of my life. 

I can't express the love and gratitude I have for this amazing, selfless man that I get to call my husband. I am so grateful that I married my best friend. The past 4 years have been amazing, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. 

To celebrate our 4 years of marriage, I took on our date night. Landon knew nothing, other than to be home around 6... Unfortunately he had to work late, which sort of helped me out to be honest . The 4 year traditional gift was silk or nylon... I had no idea what to get that matched silk or nylon, so I went and got the "modern gift" and planned our date night around that. The Modern gift was an appliance, so I bought a Fondue Set, and prepped and seasoned chicken. I built a fort with Christmas lights in our living room, and we dipped our chicken and watched Billy Madison. After dinner I cleaned out the oil from the chicken and melted chocolate and we dipped strawberries, bananas, Oreos, and marshmallows :). We exchanged gifts before our dinner. I gave Landon and photo album with pictures from when we were dating up until now. Landon took one of our wedding pictures and got it blown up on Canvas... I was in awe! It was so beautiful, and he also surprised me with a dozen long stem white roses. We had such an amazing night. I am so grateful for our love. 


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