We left Vegas at 11:30am on Saturday, and got to our hotel at 5:45pm. We checked in, and took our luggage in, then got right back in the car to head to my Aunt Kimmy's house where my entire family was at. I was so excited to see my little brother and sister! I feel like I havent seen them in SO long! I was so grateful that my family all gathered together so we could all spend time together, it really meant so much to me!
Cutie puppy and sleepy husband while we were driving!
My BEAUTIFUL little sister Kindra!! Shes 11 and almost as tall as me!
My baby brother Drayden! Who also happens to be PRO at any video games... he proved this to Landon
These children mean SO much to me!
SOME of my crazy cousins!
And these two crazy aunts are where I inherited my crazy-ness.
Sunday around noon, we went and met my dad and little brother and sister for lunch before my dad had to take them back to their moms. We went to this little hole in the wall sushi restaurant... it was fabulous.
After lunch with my fam, we went to Landon's sisters house to celebrate Landon's brothers birthday, and to have dinner. I know I have said this before, and Ill probably say this a MILLION times more. I am SO grateful for the family I married into. I love these people as if they were my blood family, and like ive known them my whole life. We are so grateful that Landon's mom did a similar gathering so we could see everyone.
Landon and Milo.. he was way to cool for school
Landon's sister Brittany... She is not my sister in law... she is definitely my sister. And this was a joyous reunion
Landon's amazing mom and her kiddos.
Landon and two of his little brothers, Andrew and Trevor (Trevor and I were friends in 7th grade... crazy small world)
The siblings.
The Fam.
After dinner, Landon and I drove through my old neighborhood, so I could show him my childhood house.. its so crazy to see it. So many memories were made there.
Once we drove through good ol' Millcreek, we went back to our hotel and CRASHED! We were exhausted! And slept in until noon on Monday. Dont judge us. Monday was a day for grandparents. When we moved Landon made me a promise. He promised me that whenever we were in Salt Lake, we would always stop by my grandparents grave. So when were ready, we drove up to Larkin Cemetery, which is always super emotional for me. I was so extremely close to them, that it never gets easier visiting their grave. I know that they would be proud of me, and my choice in a Husband. I know my Grandpa Seely would ADORE Landon, and want to talk to him about Landon serving his mission all the time. I am so grateful for the example my grandparents have shown me. Okay, sorry for the rant.
After that emotional visit, we went to visit Landon's Grandma English who hasnt been doing to well. She is the prime example of a true Sister in the Church, if I could be even a quarter of the woman she is, I will have succeeded. The fist thing she asked us was if we were paying tithing because "the blessings of paying tithing are amazing, and you'll notice the blessings immensely" then proceeded to tell us story after story. She is such an amazing woman, and Im so glad she helped raise this amazing man I get to call my husband.
After our visit with Grandma English, we went to go meet up with my two crazy aunts and Grandma Powell to see this "City Creek" mall that everyone has been bragging about... and I must say it was a very beautiful mall... and while we were there my husband let me pick out a Tiffany Ring... unfortunately it turns out my skin is allergic to sterling silver :( so we had to return it. After shopping Landon and went to walk around the Temple grounds before we met up with Landon's family for another sushi night.
I am grateful for Eternal families. I could not write enough about this subject. This Temple signifies so much to so many people. I am SO blessed to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This was such an amazing part of our trip. Landon and I sat outside (we couldn't do a session because of time restraints) and talked so much about how grateful we are for all the blessings that come from being strong in the church, and by renewing our covenants with with the Lord every single week. It isnt always easy to wake up early to attend church, or to be disciplined in reading in your scriptures every night... but those are just two SMALL things that will contribute to a strong, and eternal family. I know this Church is true.
After our amazing time at Temple Square, we went and met Landon's family for some sushi (twice in two days... sushi overload.. but it was amazing).
Tuesday Morning we headed home.
We had such an amazing trip, and I cant wait until we can make it back up to Salt Lake again!
And congratulations for making it through this post
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